Advantages of using a URL shortener like Link2shrink

Advantages of using a URL shortener like Link2shrink

Link2shrink is a popular URL shortener service for Act! users that was added to the Linktivity Suite of products in early 2023. There are several benefits to using Link2shrink, not the least of which are as follows:

  1. URL Shortening: Link2shrink allows you to shorten and customize your links, making them more manageable and visually appealing.
  2. Link Tracking: Link2shrink provides detailed tracking of the links you create on the platform, allowing you to measure the impact of your views per referral source.
  3. Linktivity Synergy: Link2shrink is integrated into all our Linktivity products to help you create simpler, more friendly URL's for calendar links, quotes, events registration links, and web forms. In fact, Link2shrink is included free with the Team edition of Link2calendar, Link2quotes, Link2events, and Link2forms.
  4. Social Media: Some social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn will automatically remove long URL's from your posts, creating a bridge to nowhere for your social media marketing.
  5. Human-friendly: Link2shrink can take long URL's and convert them into easy-to-remember links that can be readily shared with others.

However, it’s important to note that while Link2shrink is excellent for social networking strategies and tracking user behavior, it’s not recommended for improving the SEO of a website. This is because it tends to generate an additional address to the existing one, which could complicate SEO strategies. Link2shrink should be used for longer inside pages, online shopping cart pages, and blogs, but not homepage URL's.

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