March - April Linktivity Updates

March - April Linktivity Updates

March 29th, 2024 - LINK2QUOTES

Enhanced Multi-Currency Support For those handling quotes in multiple currencies, we've implemented significant updates to enhance your experience. Link2quotes now automates foreign exchange calculations for quoting products, allowing seamless batch updates as exchange rates fluctuate.

For example, if Keystroke, a Canadian company, purchases Act! products priced in USD, Link2quotes enables setting the FX rate for automatic conversion. When adding a $360 USD Act! Premium Cloud to a CAD quote, it displays as $489.60 CAD based on a 1.36% FX rate.

Learn more about this update for multi-currency quoting at [Link to more information].

April 10th, 2024 - LINK2FORMS

Introducing Link2forms Lite We're excited to introduce a new tier to Link2forms: "Link2forms Lite." Tailored for small businesses needing a single web form for contact data capture, Link2forms Lite offers essential features at a cost-effective price of $96/year. This tier is designed for simplicity with basic contact fields, limited options for suppression and submissions, priced just over half of the Standard tier and nearly a third of the Team edition.

Explore more details on this new tier [here].

April 15th, 2024 - LINK2LIST

Scheduled List Scans To optimize efficiency during work hours, we've introduced scheduled scans in Link2list. Now, you can schedule scans on a one-time or recurring basis to reduce API overhead.

Additionally, we've enhanced the list view in Link2list by adding the capability to download scan logs for future scans, improving transparency and control over your data.

April 29th, 2024 - LINK2QUOTES

New Quote Cover Page Feature Launching on April 29th, we're introducing a new feature in Link2quotes: customizable quote cover pages. These pages are fully customizable within the HTML and PDF versions of your quotes, offering flexibility and professionalism.

Key features include:

  • Configuration options available under Settings -> Cover Pages.
  • HTML editor supporting image insertion (including external URLs and online storage images).
  • Placeholder text support similar to email templates.
  • Duplicate function for cover pages in list view.
  • Selection of cover pages under the Quote Tab in the quote editor.

The cover page will be prominently displayed above your quote on the document and can be printed separately, enhancing the presentation of your quotes.

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