Quote Request Forms - Link2forms Series

Quote Request Forms - Link2forms Series

Continuing our Top 6-Ways Series to turn your website into a lead generation machine for only $15/month, read below about Quote Request Forms

Small businesses spend a lot of money on their website, and often more with ongoing SEO marketing efforts. Developing a website typically costs thousands, and maintaining a competitive organic Google ranking can cost thousands more.

Here is the fourth of six ways to incorporate Link2forms into your website to generate more leads for your business and create a workflow that saves time and gets results.

Quote requestService or Quote Request Forms

As much as we'd like to think people will look up our website and call us for a service request or quote, the reality is most people visit our sites after hours. If your website is going to be open 24-hours a day, seven days a week, it better be equipped to convert visitors into actionable prospects after-hours, and service/quote request forms can be a cost-effective solution. 

Forms provide a simple, easy-to-follow, and structured process for people to request service or quotes from your company. The questions you put in your online forms can help qualify high-priority prospects, as well as identify the precise nature of their needs.

People understand businesses can't be open all the time, but that business's website should be equipped to capture their request on the first visit, and not make them come back later. With Link2forms, you'll open your CRM the next day with all those service & quote requests waiting in your calendar to follow up immediately, along with all the details under each of those prospects' contact records.
And yes, you'll also get emailed after each request.  

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